Category: Featured Services

Advance Services
We offer following services- Cataract Services: White star microsurgical system Haag striet surgical microscope 1.8 mm micro incision surgery Multifocal lenses, toric lenses No stitch, no injection and no pad Earliest recovery, no restriction Glaucoma services: OCT for ONH and GCC study YAG l...

State of art equipments: To match the excellent manpower, Eyenova hospital is also equipped with latest state of art equipments to provide vision for a better life. They include: World’s best and latest White star Signature micro incision surgical system for cataract surgery. With the he...

Cashless Facility
Going a step further in providing convenience and quality health care to our patients, we offer them cashless facility. Under this arrangement, the patient is discharged from the hospital without making any payment. All the surgery expenses are taken care of by the TPA (Third Party Administrator)...